MYC Residence
Selamat datang di MYC (Mission Youth for Christ) Residence
Welcome to the MYC (Mission Youth for Christ) Residence

MYC Manajemen memberikan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa UPH untuk tinggal di asrama MYC. Pilihan untuk tinggal di asrama akan memberikan pengalaman yang menantang, berharga, dan sekaligus merubah hidup. MYC Residence bukan sekedar tempat dimana siswa beristirahat pada malam hari namun juga merupakan tempat untuk belajar, berinteraksi, dan bertumbuh dalam konteks kehidupan sosial. / MYC Management offers UPH students the opportunity to take up residence at MYC dorm. The choice to reside at the residence will give you a challenging and valuable experience as well as a changed life. MYC Residence not only a place where students come to rest at night, but also a place to study, interact and grow within the context of community living.  

Peraturan Penting bagi Penghuni MYC
Essential Regulations for MYC Residents    

1.    Jam Malam Penghuni / Residence Night Curfew
Jam pulang malam asrama adalah jam 24.00 WIB (tengah malam). / Residence night curfew is 24.00 WIB (midnight).
2.    Jam Kunjung Asrama – Sesama Jenis Kelamin / Residence Visitation Hours – Same Gender
Jam kunjung asrama adalah 16.00 sampai 21.00 (Senin sampai Jumat) dan 12.00 sampai 21.00 (Sabtu sampai Minggu/Libur). / Residence visitation hours are 16.00 to 21.00 WIB (Monday to Friday) and 12.00 to  21.00 WIB (Saturday to Sunday/Holidays).
3.    Menginap / Overnight Stay
Penghuni dapat menginap pada saat akhir minggu, libur nasional dan libur perkuliahan. Penghuni wajib mengisi dan menyerahkan Overnight Form kepada supervisornya 3 hari sebelum meninggalkan asrama. / Residents can stay overnight during weekend, national holiday and school holiday. Residents should fill out and hand in the Overnight Form to their supervisor 3 days before leaving residence.
4.    Acara Wajib / Compulsary Programs
Adalah suatu kewajiban pada penghuni, tanpa pengecualian, untuk menghadiri acara wajib: Community-building Meetings (dua kali sebulan), Friday Night (satu kali sebulan) dan Monthly Event (satu kali sebulan). Dan juga pertemuan rutin bersama supervisor asrama. / It is compulsory for all residents, without exception, to attend compulsary programs: Community-building Meetings (which runs twice a month), Friday Night (which runs once a month), and Monthly Event (which runs once a month). And also compulsory Routine Meeting with their dorm supervisor.
Pelanggaran peraturan akan dikenakan tindakan disiplin yang diatur sesuai MYC handbook. Untuk peraturan lengkap dan lainnya terlampir di handbook MYC Residence. / Violations to regulations will result in disciplinary actions being administered according to MYC handbook. For more complete and other regulations attached on MYC Residence handbook.
Photo Gallery
   room for two 1
Living_Room_2.JPG   Living_Room_Male_2.JPG
Bathroom_2.JPG   Bathroom_1.JPG
Bathroom_3.JPG   Desk_1.JPG